Month: May 2024

Is Albany Getting Its Own Professional Soccer Team and Stadium?
95.5 FM - An 8,000 seat venue is being pitched for downtown Albany

Plans call for MLS soccer stadium, redeveloment in downtown Albany
SPECTRUM NEWS - ... Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan called it "a once-in-a-generation" opportunity for the city that would bring housing and jobs, as well as economic activity to downtown.

New downtown Albany stadium, pro soccer team planned by investors
ALBANY BUSINESS REVIEW - A group of local businesspeople want to bring a professional soccer team to Albany that would play in a new 8,000-seat downtown stadium as part of a mixed-use development costing upwards of $300 million.

Soccer stadium and franchise proposed for downtown Albany
TIMES UNION - Eight-thousand-seat venue would anchor $300M hotel and entertainment district in what residents call the Parking Lot District

Groundbreaking ceremony held for Lincoln Park Pool in Albany
NEWS10 — Leaders and community members in the city of Albany celebrated the future of the Lincoln Park Pool. A groundbreaking ceremony was held Wednesday afternoon.