Month: December 2021

Local refugee support organization receives $75k grant to continue their mission
NEWS 10– A $75,000 check was awarded to the Refugee and Immigrant Support Services of Emmaus Inc. (RISSE).

Old Stewart’s Shop reduced to rubble, making way for new restaurant
ALTAMONT ENTERPRISE– On Monday, the long-closed Voorheesville Stewart’s Shop was torn down.

Paid to eat and do homework, teens flock to jobs at Hattie’s
TIMES UNION– Since the pandemic, staff shortages have been the bane of restaurateurs.

‘Miss Hattie’s Homework Hour’ for Teen Employees
SARATOGA TODAY– A new initiative at Hattie’s Restaurant allows teen staff to come straight to Hattie’s from school, punch in an hour before their shift, work on homework, and be fed.

Grondahl: Partners overcome hurdles facing lawyers of color
TIMES UNION– Kimberley Wallace, Raysheea Turner launch what's believed to be Capital Region's only law firm owned and operated by two Black women

St. Anne Institute Receives $100k Donation from Business for Good
SARATOGA TODAY– St. Anne Institute, an agency that has been providing therapeutic programs and services for young women, individuals, and families for over 100 years, has recently received a $100k donation from Business for Good.