Month: August 2023

How Ed Mitzen Pivoted His Career and Created a Business for Good (Part Two)
ADVANTAGE AUDIO - In part two, we will hear from Ed about the most rewarding and challenging aspects of building and running his businesses, as well as how he and his wife are changing the world with their nonprofit organization, Business for Good.

Wealthy and White: An engaging reexamination of 21st century philanthropy
KIRKUS - Mitzen discusses the implications of racial privilege and the importance of giving back in this nonfiction work.

How Ed Mitzen Pivoted His Career and Created a Business for Good (Part One)
ADVANTAGE AUDIO - In this episode of Coming About, David Paragamian welcomes his old friend, Ed Mitzen, a man who has achieved remarkable success in both business and philanthropy.

Tulsa Massacre Survivors Continue Their Fight for Reparations
THE ROOT - ... The victims of the Tulsa Massacre have had some relief. Last year, Ed Mitzen, a New York-based philanthropist donated $1 million to the survivors. However, many argue that true reparations needs to come from the city of Tulsa that allowed the massacre to occur...